Get to know what the detoxification process is and how to do it

What is Detoxification?

Detox or also known as detoxification is a process of metabolizing toxic substances in the body that are water insoluble or lipophilic to become more water soluble so that they can be excreted through excretory organs such as the kidneys, skin, lungs and intestines [1].

In fact, interestingly, many people deliberately undergo detox in order to achieve excellent health and ideal body weight. So usually, detox is done through setting a healthier diet by consuming more fruit, vegetables, and drinking water of course.

Maybe some of you are curious about the characteristics of the body being detoxified. Well, actually, there are no specific characteristics of the body being detoxified. So, you can focus on managing a healthy lifestyle, so that the detoxification process will run by itself
Benefits of Detoxification

So, what does our body get after undergoing detox? Although it can be different for each person, at least the benefits of detoxification are as follows [2]:
1. Increase energy

Fatigue and feeling lethargic are symptoms of the body's inability to absorb food nutrients optimally. Thus, detoxification is the best solution to help restore your digestive system so that you become more energetic.
2. Supports liver function

The liver is one of the organs in the body that carries out a detoxification process that tirelessly removes harmful substances from the body. So, so that the liver doesn't get tired quickly, detoxification is the path usually chosen.

Because the detox process can help restore liver health so that this vital organ can carry out metabolic and detoxification processes more efficiently.
3. Helps lose weight

Detox helps restore the efficiency of intestinal and liver function. Now, after proper metabolic function has been established, the body's ability to absorb and utilize nutrients can occur optimally. That way, managing your ideal body weight becomes easier.
4. Healthy skin

The skin is also one of the body organs that carries out the detox process in the form of sweat. If done in the long term, there is a possibility that the number of bacteria will increase so that the skin becomes more infected. Detoxification is one of the tips to overcome and help restore the health condition of the skin.
5. Improve brain function

The increase in energy that comes from detoxification is a good thing for your brain because it can sharpen focus and mental clarity.
6. Strengthens the immune system

One sign that you need detoxification is a decreased immune system condition. That's because after the detox period, the immune system can function better and white blood cells are able to work efficiently to fight microorganisms and foreign bodies.

7. Reduces inflammation

Detoxification is a process that can reduce toxins or substances that cause damage to surrounding tissue, one of which is by causing an inflammatory process. In this way, you can reduce inflammation, because inflammatory mechanisms that are not beneficial for the body can be suppressed as much as possible.
8. Balancing emotions

Sometimes, the high level of toxins in the brain can affect the way we deal with problems. Now, after the poison has been successfully removed through the detoxification process and your mental and emotional condition has improved, it is hoped that you will be able to look at the problem with calmer emotions.
Natural Detoxification Method

After knowing some of the benefits behind it, maybe you will become more interested in doing it. The natural detoxification method is by [3]:
1. Get enough sleep

Ensuring adequate and quality sleep every night is an absolute requirement to encourage natural detoxification. Because, sleep allows your brain to reorganize and get rid of toxic substances that accumulate throughout the day.
2. Limit sugar intake

In the long term, excessive consumption of sweet foods can trigger a number of health problems that can hinder your body's ability to detoxify itself naturally.
3. Eat foods rich in antioxidants

Did you know, antioxidants function to protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. Therefore, eating foods rich in antioxidants is thought to help your body fight oxidative stress caused by excess free radicals and other toxins that can increase the risk of disease.
4. Eat foods rich in prebiotics

Maintaining intestinal health is very important to ensure the body can detoxify optimally. Well, in fact, healthy gut conditions start with prebiotics, which is a type of fiber that will feed the probiotics or good bacteria in your gut.
5. Exercise regularly

Besides being able to reduce inflammation, exercise can also help your body's systems, including detoxification, to function better and protect against disease. That is why it is recommended that you do at least 150 to 300 minutes of low-intensity exercise a week.

6. Drink enough water

Not only does it overcome thirst, drinking at least 2 liters of water a day can also help regulate body temperature, improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, and detoxify your body by eliminating toxic substances.

This is also important because the body's cells must continue to be repaired so they can function optimally and break down nutrients that will be used as energy.

Terahertz has products to help you detox easily and naturally using Jentox. Jentox is made from selected natural ingredients that can help you get rid of toxins and food waste in your body regularly. Find Jentox in our product categories on this website to know more about Jentox