5 Benefits of Weight Lifting for Women
Reviewed by: dr. Fadhli Rizal Makarim

“Weightlifting is a sport that is synonymous with men. In fact, this movement can also provide benefits to women. When done regularly, there are many health benefits of lifting weights.”

Halodoc, Jakarta – There are many alternative sports that can be done to maintain health. One sport that can be done is lifting weights. However, many women don't want to do this sport because they think that their muscles can be as big as men's, but in reality they are not. Apart from that, there are many benefits that can be felt from lifting weights. For more details, read the following review!

Some Benefits of Lifting Weights for Women
There are many fitness programs for women. However, most only emphasize the importance of cardio for weight loss. In fact, endurance or strength training actually provides more benefits to overall health. Strength training is important for long-term body health. One exercise that can provide this benefit is lifting weights.
In fact, maintaining muscle mass is one of the best ways to maintain healthy body fat. Resistance training such as weight lifting is a great way to build muscle. However, not many women choose this sport as a routine.

Therefore, to change your view about this sport, find out some of the benefits of lifting weights for health, including:

1. Increases Bone Density
One of the benefits of lifting weights for women when done regularly is increasing bone density. This is good because women are susceptible to menopause as they get older. Weight-bearing exercise can put pressure on the bones which can make them stronger. This method can also prevent osteoporosis, which women are prone to.

2. Helps Lose Weight
You can also help to lose weight as one of the benefits of lifting weights. Like cardio, strength training burns calories which can help you achieve your ideal body weight. Weight training can also increase the amount of oxygen the body needs to return to normal levels (EPOC).

3. Lowers Stress Levels
Not just cardio exercise, resistance training such as weightlifting can also be an excellent source of stress relief, especially if done regularly. It is stated that women are more likely to feel physical symptoms when experiencing stress than men. Therefore, reducing stress by lifting weights is very beneficial for mental and physical conditions.
If you want to know which exercise suits your body's needs, doctors from Halodoc can help you answer that question. Apart from that, you can also do a physical examination at several hospitals that have collaborated with Halodoc. Download the Halodoc application now!

4. Increase Energy
Exercise will cause the body to release endorphins which can improve mood and energy. Prolonged cardiovascular exercise can deplete energy stores in the body. However, strength training such as lifting weights, can provide more energy to power through the day.

5. Increase muscle mass
Muscles are important for movement, so maintaining muscle mass provides many benefits. Some of the benefits include preventing injury, increasing range of motion, and helping the body to function optimally.
Some women are afraid that their bodies will look like men's, in reality this will not be possible. Weight training can only increase muscle mass and improve body composition.
These are some of the benefits of lifting weights that you can feel on your body. If all the benefits that this sport provides are what you want, don't hesitate to start. Do it slowly as long as it is routine so that the body is not shocked and the benefits can be felt.