
We already have two companies based on direct sales, namely THZ (M) Sdn. Bhd in Malaysia and our subsidiary, PT TERAHERTZ TIRTA ABADI, in Indonesia. With network business as our main foundation, our goal is to become a platform. The best e-commerce that allows anyone to start their own business and change better life.

Our Products

Product Testimony

Pak Jaya

Pak jaya mendertia sakit pinggang, setelah 2 minggu mengkonsumsi air terahertz merasakan hasil yang sangat signifikan. Bukan cuma sakit pinggangnya yang membaik tetapi juga rambutnya yang semula putih semua mulai tumbuh rambut baru dengan warna hitam.

Mr Ferry

Pak Ferry suffers from fatty liver and his wife suffers from thyroid for more than 10 years since the birth of their child, experiencing the very positive benefits of Terahertz water in their lives


Mr. Ricky had a pinched nerve in his back. After drinking for a while, now the pinched nerve never comes back

latest news

Peluncuran Omah Terahertz Sidoarjo

Peluncuran Omah Terahertz Sidoarjo Pertama di Jawa Timur

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JENESIS LIFE SERIES already has a BPOM distribution permit

JENESIS now officially has a BPOM distribution permit in Indonesia

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Terahertz Goes to Vietnam

Come join us in traveling again, this time Terahertz Indonesia wants to invite all Terahertz Indonesia Members to take part in a challenge trip to Vietnam!

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