Benefits of Fasting for Body Health
By: Siloam Hospital Medical Team

If done correctly, fasting turns out to have various health benefits. In fact, not only physically, fasting can also have a positive impact on mental health. The following are various health benefits of fasting.
1. Lose Weight
The first health benefit of fasting is weight loss. The reason is, fasting can increase the body's metabolism, so that burning calories and fat also increases. This will trigger weight loss and prevent obesity.
The concept of Ramadan fasting itself is more or less similar to intermittent fasting which has been proven to be useful for maintaining body weight and even avoiding aging.

 2. Maintain heart health
Someone who fasts for a whole month is known to have a lower risk of heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure when compared to people who do not fast. The reason is, fasting allows a person to regulate their eating patterns to be healthier.
Tea, which is often used as a mandatory drink at dawn or breaking the fast, can also help maintain heart health. Tea contains flavonoid antioxidants which can help prevent rising cholesterol levels, improve blood circulation, and reduce the risk of diabetes.

 3. Increases body metabolism
Some people mistakenly think that fasting can reduce metabolism. In fact, one of the benefits of fasting is that it helps increase the body's metabolism. This is because the body still gets food intake at dawn and breaking the fast.
Fasting throughout the day makes metabolism more efficient due to the release of the hormone adiponectin. This hormone helps every cell, organ and muscle in the body absorb more nutrients. The more nutrients you absorb, the better the body will carry out its various functions.

4. Control appetite
One of the goals of fasting is to control appetite back to normal. In obese sufferers, the body has difficulty regulating hormones that trigger hunger. As a result, obese sufferers tend to overeat.
By fasting regularly, the body will automatically regulate the production of hormones that trigger hunger and only release them when the body really needs food intake.
5. Improves brain function
Next, the benefit of fasting for health that is a shame to miss is its effect on brain health. Fasting is known to encourage the production of proteins that support nerve formation and development.
This protein will encourage stem cells in the brain to produce new nerve cells so that various chemical reactions occur which have a positive impact on the brain's working system. The protein also helps protect brain cells from disorders, such as Alzheimer's.
6. Activate Detoxification
The health benefits of fasting can also reduce damage caused by free radicals or detoxification. Detoxification is the body's process of obtaining proper nutrition by providing the opportunity to get rid of toxic substances in the body. Detox will take place when fasting, where the digestive system such as the liver, pancreas, stomach, large intestine and small intestine rest for about 12 hours. When breaking the fast, the digestive organs are able to work better.

7. Maintain healthy skin and prevent acne
The health benefits of fasting also include skin health, such as preventing acne. The reason is, fasting can speed up the skin regeneration process because the body does not have to work as hard to carry out the functions of the digestive system.
Apart from that, fasting is also useful in improving the function of the liver and kidneys. That way, it is easier for the body to remove toxins from the body, including toxins that cause acne to appear on the face.

8. Reduces the risk of diabetes
When fasting, blood sugar levels tend to decrease because the body uses sugar reserves as energy. Fasting is known to control blood sugar in non-diabetic people by reducing insulin resistance.
Reducing insulin resistance can help absorb sugar effectively so that blood sugar remains stable. Good insulin tolerance will also prevent spikes in glucose levels (hyperglycemia) or a decrease in blood sugar below normal limits (hypoglycemia).
9. Helps maintain mental health
 Some of the mental benefits of fasting are dealing with stress better, improving mood, and adapting more easily to change. This is because when fasting, the amount of the hormone cortisol produced by the adrenal glands is more stable so it can reduce stress.
Apart from that, limiting your intake of carbohydrates, fats, etc. for several weeks will improve your thinking ability. If the brain is able to think clearly, emotions will be controlled and stress can be minimized.

Consume Jencell and Jentox regularly to help you fast more effectively and healthier. Drink before you fast and after breaking the fast.

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